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Royale High Wiki
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Wickery Cliffs was a temporary realm initially released on October 3, 2021 for Royale High's Halloween 2021 event that lasted until the 18th of November. It was an autumn-themed cliff side town decorated for Halloween, presumably intended as a replacement for Autumn Town. In Royale High's lore, it became inaccessible due to sudden extremely dense fog and snow.

The fog and snow later dissipated on October 3rd, 2022 with the Halloween 2022 update forming a new cave, which appears to be the Halloween 2022 maze.

On October 16th, 2023, the map returned for Halloween 2023. The map did not appear to have many changes besides being ported to Campus 3's new systems.


When joining Wickery Cliffs, players spawned in the town square. The town square had a fountain in the middle (no longer functional) and buildings lined the square. Apple-bobbing stands surrounded the center. A decorative train station sat on the edge of the center opposite the "Wickery Cliffs" sign. Along the road outside the "Wickery Cliffs" sign was a neighborhood where players could trick-or-treat at the houses. At the top of the road was Blackwood Manor, a separate realm instance where ghost hunting could be played. By the neighborhood was a relaxation area where people could watch a short vintage horror movie. Nearby, a cave was displayed with a white small bridge with lakes below, which contained two chests. When going inside, you would enter the maze.

Chest locations[]

In the Halloween 2021 update, there were only five chests. The four of the five rewarded candies and the other rewarded the Pillowcase Candy Bag 2021.

There were ten chests in Wickery Cliffs in the Halloween 2022 update: One of them gave you 123 candies, and the rest gave you Halloween items from the Candy Hunt during the Halloween 2019 event; both as just the item or with 100-500 candy bonuses and another rewards, such as the Kitty Candy Bag 2022.

In 2023, there were a total of 33 chests. These chests gave you a total of over 7 thousand candies, as well as old Royalloween items.

Chests could be found from:

  1. The green house next to the apple bobbing station.
  2. The blue house next to the green house by going downstairs. (Wickery Cliffs lobby)
  3. Under the lake of the cave (under the bridge).
  4. From the middle of the cave's lake.
  5. The upper cave's waterfall (going inside).
  6. Behind the blue house bushes (Wickery Cliffs lobby).
  7. Next to the upper brown bridge.
  8. When finishing the maze.
  9. At the right hand side of the cave, in a lake.


Apple Bobbing[]

Apple Bobbing could be played around the stands circling the fountain. Clicking on the button with the text "Play Apple Bobbing" would have the player try and bob an apple. The player would continue to bob until they successfully got an apple, which initially rewarded 10 (15 in 2022 and 25 in 2023) candies. In the 2023 update, Apple Bobbing was limited to 10 tries an hour due to the problem with autoclickers, which would count any successes or failures to pick up an apple.


Trick-or-treating could be participated in by ringing the bells of the houses in the neighborhood and collecting the candy. However, there was a chance that a monster would appear and chase the player instead. There was a 120 second cooldown for every house, and the same house couldn't be visited twice in a row in a single server instance. However, if the player was to get a monster, they could go to the same house again to still get candy, as getting monsters disabled the timer.

Ghost Hunting[]

Ghost Hunting could be participated in by entering Blackwood Manor on the top of the hill. Using the Ghost Gun, players could shoot down ghosts to weaken them, capture them, and then return them.

Other functionality[]


Lightning toggle in YouTube settings

Originally, cars could be driven in Wickery Cliffs. However, in Halloween 2023 event, the button to spawn cars in the sidebar was removed.

An exclusive setting inside the YouTube Settings allowed lightning effects to be enabled. They were disabled by default to not harm players that may be sensitive to sudden flashing lights.

Mt. Blackwood Caverns (Maze)[]

The maze was added in the Halloween 2022 event. Players could not fly, as this could be considered cheating. At any moment, there was a chance for an ice monster to start chasing you, its pursuit for you indicated by ice around the borders of your screen with a cracking noise. You could get away by running until they disappeared. When finishing the maze, a huge chest would be placed in front of you on a podium by rainbow-colored crystals with text on a nearby green neon "door" stating "Congratulations you've won! Run your body into here to get outta here!" This chest contained 2,000 candy and the Steampunk Aerotechnic Wings.

Along with not being able to fly, players were also prohibited Crystal Ball Gamepass. Lighting filters, however, could be used to see better and items that emit glow were allowed. There was a specific part of the maze in which you got flight powers back, as many people found the part hard to do.

During the Royalloween 2023 event, Mt. Blackwood Caverns returned as the Super Scary Maze for 2023. The maze was very similar to its 2022 counterpart, with only the pathways and chest locations being changed.

