Royale High Wiki

Hello. In some form, you have provided statement or evidence of being under the minimum legal age of 13 to own and operate an account on the Fandom platform. Due to COPPA, Fandom's terms of use forbid those under the age of 13 from using accounts. (Parental permission or supervision is not sufficient or accepted under COPPA laws - the main owner and all users of the account must be 13+.)

Your account has been blocked, and it will unblock sometime after you're presumably 13. You're free to read what's on the wiki, but until you are 13 years of age or older, you cannot operate an account here. Any attempt at bypassing will result in block extensions.

If you would like to request the block timer is set to something more accurate, please use Community Central to contact.

We do invite you to return once you are old enough to have an account.<ac_metadata title="Block Notice"> </ac_metadata>
