Royale High Wiki
Royale High Wiki

Halos are rare, wearable accessories in Royale High.

They are intended to be rare, hard-to-obtain accessories, rewarded by chance or instances that are hard to obtain. Most but not all halos are obtained by rare chance from qualifying story answers from the fountain located in Divinia Park or an event map. Halos were also granted to winners of the Fountain Story Contests held by Kateka22 for relevant contests for the Winter Halo 2020 and prior. Halos that are normally obtained from the fountain can also be redeemed for 600,000 "Puppy Points" from LauncelotHandsome's streaming.

When players obtain a halo from the fountain (not from trading or other methods), they will also receive a badge corresponding to that halo. Originally, badges received from halos from September 14, 2018 to October 12, 2020 would not appear in the player’s journal. This was eventually updated on October 3, 2022 to show all badges received from halos.

The fountain-rewarded halos are attained by pure luck and are random.
There are NO SPECIFIC STORIES * that must be used to get a halo or that will improve your chances.

While only specific options out of any story can reward a halo, selecting these options does NOT guarantee you will get the halo, as it is a random chance. Most of the time, you will not get a halo, as halos are meant to be RARE!
Please do not add stories or story options to choose onto the currently active halo article, as we cannot confirm them to be real.

Additionally, halos are very prone to being over-valued in overpay scams, and many scammers share false information on value. Halos have no value, only perceived worth. We suggest that no single item should ever be perceived to be over 400k diamonds, for your own safety. Stay safe and play smart when trading!
- Royale High Wiki staff

List of halos

Obtained from the fountain

Other halos


Obtained from the Fountain

Other halos
