Royale High Wiki

The Winter (previously known as Christmas) event in 2021 is an event in Royale High beginning on November 30, 2021 (but with teaser updates starting on November 18, 2021). The Advent Calendar returned with new items, along with the Christmas Town realm, now known as Snowglobe Summit.

On November 18, 2021, a teaser update was published that released six holiday items, brought back the Arrival Screen, and changed the game UI to a winter/holiday theme. The "Winter Shop" runs from November 15 to January 31. However, this was not considered the official release of the update.

Joining Snowglobe Summit during the event rewarded the "Royale Christmas 2021!" badge.



The following accessories from previous years were reworked during the December 15, 2021 update:

Gifting Event[]

The gifting event advent calendar from Winter 2020 returned with 30 days of new items and diamond rewards starting on December 1, 2021 at midnight in US Eastern Time.

Players could spend 200 diamonds to send a gift to another player on their friends list. The gift system is slightly different from the previous year:

  • The first gift a player received and opened is guaranteed to contain that day's new 2021 gift.
  • Additional gifts given to the player could be a duplicate of that day's new 2021 gift, the previous 2020 item or diamond amount for that day (days 26-30 could give 1000 diamonds instead), or 300 diamonds.
  • Players could receive up to a maximum of 3 gifts per day.

The timer for each advent day advances to the next day at 12AM (00:00, midnight) in US Eastern time. Gifts will contain items based on the day that the gift was sent, not when it was opened.

Getting and opening the daily gift for every one of the 30 days in 2021 (not the 2020 items) would reward the Angel Halo, Angel Wings, and the "RH Gifting Event 2021 Completionist!" badge. The gift must have been obtained through being gifted it by another player that day for it to count on the calendar and towards the completionist badge (i.e. it could not have been obtained through trading only).

Day Gift Image
1 Baby Penguin
Baby Penguin
2 Peppermint Princess Sleeves
Peppermint Princess Sleeves
3 Runaway Damsel Candelabra
Runaway Damsel Candelabra
4 North Pole Presents Skirt
North Pole Presents Skirt
5 1000 Diamonds
6 Good Tidings Shawl Cape
Good Tidings Shawl Cape
7 Father Christmas' Present Bag
Father Christmas' Present Bag
8 Iced Gingerbread Earrings
Iced Gingerbread Earrings
9 1250 Diamonds
10 Present Disguise
Present Disguise
11 Sleigh It Bodice
Sleigh It Bodice
12 Sleigh It Skirt
Sleigh It Skirt
13 1500 Diamonds
14 Aurora's Longsword
Aurora's Longsword
15 Aurora's Battleaxe
Aurora's Battleaxe
16 Elf Helper Hat
Elf Helper Hat
17 Carol of the Elves Booties
Carol of the Elves Booties
18 Lace Snowflake Stole Scarf
Lace Snowflake Stole Scarf
19 Cute Carrot Nose
Cute Carrot Nose
20 1750 Diamonds
21 Frozen Luggage
Frozen Luggage
22 Polar Cutie Bear Hat
Polar Cutie Bear Hat
23 Polar Cutie Fur Leg Warmers
Polar Cutie Fur Leg Warmers
24 Ice Prince Shawl Cape
Ice Prince Shawl Cape
25 Frozen Royalty Crown
Frozen Royalty Crown
26 2000 Diamonds
27 Christmas Window Shopping Top Hat
Christmas Window Shopping Top Hat
28 Dashing Through the Snow Scarf
Dashing Through the Snow Scarf
29 Versailles Snow Powder Coat
Versailles Snow Powder Coat
30 Versailles Snow Powder Bonnet
Versailles Snow Powder Bonnet

Santa items[]

Placing ornaments on the central tree would increase the chances of Santa visiting and dropping presents around the town, which would reward the Santa accessories from Christmas 2018 and Christmas 2019. Two of each of the accessories from this selection can be gained maximum per account (at any time) before the player will no longer receive rewards from this activity.

December's Dream Set[]

A new set, exclusive to mid-November to January, December's Dream, was released on December 23, 2021. The set has versions for both Woman and Boy bodies. It was modelled by Vioncii and ReddieTheTeddy with the assistance of Ixchoco.

Name Price (Diamonds) Image
December's Dream Cossack Hat 6,500
December's Dream Cossack Hat
December's Dream Earrings 6,500
December's Dream Earrings
December's Dream Coat Jacket 35,000
December's Dream Coat Jacket
December's Dream Bodice 18,000
December's Dream Bodice
December's Dream Sleeves & Gloves 30,000
December's Dream Sleeves & Gloves
December's Dream Fur Muff 12,500
December's Dream Fur Muff
December's Dream Dancer Skirt 45,000
December's Dream Dancer Skirt
December's Dream Shoes 45,000
December's Dream Shoes

Snowglobe Summit activities[]


An interactive fountain is available for use in Snowglobe Summit, and has new Winter stories. The Winter Halo 2021 was also added with the event, and is a rare possible reward from the fountain.

Cookie Bakery[]

Cookies can be baked in the cafe's Cookie Bakery after purchasing supplies for 20 diamonds. This is a version of the cooking class minigame from the school with different ingredients, and resulting in cookies. The cookies can be taken by the player or given to other players.[1]

Holiday Snacks[]

Various holiday snack tools can be purchased in the cafe for roleplay and consumption. This does not "up your level" or give you more "diamonds", it is, as stated, only for roleplay reasons.

Letters to Santa[]

Mailboxes around Snowglobe Summit can be interacted with to write and send a letter to Santa. Currently, this feature does not seem to affect anything.

Sled Slopes[]

Sleds can be interacted with on the slopes to ride them down any of the two pre-determined slide paths. You can also slide down the paths with no sleds; but watch out! You don't want to go to hospital!

Earth activities[]

The Town Wheel, Designer Boutique, Apartment Lobby, and the "In Loving Memory of Lizzy Winkle" realms can be accessed from Snowglobe Summit, a likely leftover from when it entirely replaced Earth in previous years.

Teaser update[]

The teaser updates beginning on November 18, 2021 set some of the game up for winter.

Teaser item updates[]

On November 18, 2021, a selection of items were put into the Winter Shop, including some new items, reworks, and adjustments. A new set was also mentioned to be coming, presumably during the event. The general winter item timer was changed to be between November 15 and January 31.

Teaser Winter Shop[]

Six new items were released with the initial teaser update under "LUXE Elegance Winter Shop".

Name Price (Diamonds) Image
Christmas Queen Pageant Skirt 30000
Christmas Queen Pageant Skirt
Cookie Cutter Lover Loafers 28000
Cookie Cutter Lover Loafers
Fabulous Fur Boa 35000
Fabulous Fur Boa
Fluttery Frozen Fan 35000
Fluttery Frozen Fan
Peppermint Princess Bodice 24000
Peppermint Princess Bodice
Peppermint Princess Skirt 35000
Peppermint Princess Skirt

Teaser reworks and adjustments[]

  • The Winter Fashion Shawl was renamed to the Winter Fashion Shawl/Scarf to be easier to search.
  • All "torso" type items were renamed to all use the word "bodice" instead of inconsistently between "top", "bodice", and "corset" for consistency.
  • The Winter Fashion Shawl/Scarf and Shy Scarf were reworked.
  • The Thigh High Ice Princess Boots' price was lowered to 20,000 diamonds from 36,500 diamonds.
  • The My Teddy Bear was adjusted to no longer have a gray tint and now uses four colors (up from two).
  • Certain heels will now have parts of them not display with certain skirts (to minimize clipping issues).

Teaser realm adjustments[]

On November 18, 2021, the Apartments and Apartment Lobby were updated with Christmas decorations, mostly similar to Christmas 2020's decorations but in a different color scheme. The Arrival Screen also returned with a winter/Christmas theme, replacing the default join lobby.

The Intergalactic Trading Hub was updated with winter decorations on November 22, 2021.

Teaser dress-up items[]

On November 18, 2021, new hair colors and patterns, along with four new hairstyles, were added to character customization. Old clothing and faces themed around winter and winter holidays were moved to the top of their menus, but no new assets were added, as they were not yet ready.

Other preliminary updates[]

  • On November 24, 2021, the "Royale Christmas 2021!" badge was added ahead of time for testing, including an image.
  • On November 28, 2021, the "RH Gifting Event 2021 Completionist!" badge was added ahead of time for testing, with Royale High's placeholder badge image. The confirmed intentional wording of the badge[2] implies the Angel Halo and Angel Wings will be returning for fully completing the Advent Calendar.
  • On November 30, 2021, before the event officially started, the "Aurora Borealis" badge was added ahead of time for testing, initally with Royale High's placeholder badge image, however, it was given a unique image a few hours later.


  1. On the initial release of Snowglobe Summit, this did not work, and text saying that this feature did not work was displayed by the Cookie Bakery. This was fixed a few hours later.