1.If you click on a royale item in someones lookbook, it'll take you to the item's page in shop
[look at my cursor]
If you click on a ugc in the lookbook it'll ask you if you wanna buy it
I didn't know this for a long time either
What's on your mind?
1.If you click on a royale item in someones lookbook, it'll take you to the item's page in shop
[look at my cursor]
If you click on a ugc in the lookbook it'll ask you if you wanna buy it
I didn't know this for a long time either
There's a way to discover the code you need to enter for the airplane
DISCLAIMER: You need dark element & lv. 500+ to preform this.
Bow to open the crowned royalty door
Run all the way up the stairs when you enter
Run through the elemental guards and go to the first painting you see
Use your dark fairy element to unravel the illusion, you'll see a bunch of wood infront of the painting on the floor
Pull out your hammer and jump on the wood while tapping/clicking
Once you walk down, walk straight until you find a room with a book in the middle
Once you find the book, in the upperhand corner you'll find 4 digits. copy and paste those randomized digits
Go back to castle heart
Go upstairs and in front of the fireplace
Enter the randomized code you got and climb up the tower [count the squares and enter the digits in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER]
Fly upwards until you see the sky
Open the chest and tada!
Hope this helps [it's very short it only looks longer bc i hit enter so many times] it's very easy to engrain this into your memory if you ever wanna help people!
Short Layered Blowout + Messy Grunge Bangs
Posey's Ethereal Locks + Picnic Wispy Bangs
Soft Half-Up Ponytail + Strawberry Sweetheart Bangs
Wind-Blown Waves + Blunt Waterfall Bangs Large
Alt Wolf Cut + Avery Bangs
Starlight Chopped Cut + Fluffy Clipped Ponytail Addon
Hope these inspire you! :]
This post is easier and shorter to read than it looks, the text is just big.
How does it happen?
The duplication glitch only happens on items with toggles. When you change the toggle of an item and save a new outfit, you might notice that the toggle reverts back to default. This is because when you switch the toggle you can't see it but it keeps two of the same items on seperately. I noticed this every time i tried to save it as an outfit.
How do i fix this?
First, unequip that specific item including the duplicates.
To fix the bug, re-equip the same item and color the toggle. Leave the toggle on the one you want, then stop wearing the same item with the toggle you don't want. It usually says the toggle number in the title if you can't tell the difference.
Example: If you wanna wear toggle 2 of the item but experience the bug, take off toggle number one, color toggle 2 and then keep it on. you must change the color of the toggle number you want or else it'll repeat and you'll have to start all over.
NOTE: once you save the outfit with the toggle you want, you will not experience the duplication glitch with that item anymore.
Cozy sweater + snow swan bodice
Add a custom fabric of tattoos to the snow swan bodice and wear a cropped version of cozy sweater over it
And you get this masterpiece
So what do you all think is the best way to get as much candy as fast as possible? I'm trying to save for the Royale Rebel set or Whimsy Witch heels before Royalloween, but I might not have enough time to get those diamonds and the candy i need for the goth lolita set. What do you all do to get the most candy the fastest? I always did trick-or-treating endlessly, door to door to door and that's how I farmed. Is there a faster way?
- always do your logins first. try to do your fountain a lot too
- try doing tidy textbooks a lot but dont try too hard as it can take up time
- i dont usually fill my hunger up a lot since its fairly expensive, but if you're a rich player with a lot of diamonds then you can fill your hunger up frequently
note: some of these tips are for people that have 2+ quest slots
- even if you did all your login rewards you can use the "go there!" buttons easily to access realms instead of opening a portal (which takes a while and it can glitch). this is good to complete quests really fast
- ALWAYS have gear equipped. buy like 2-3 snacks to keep with you for snack quests. and if you dont own some items for quests such as a vacuum, there are free ones in the bathing quarters.
- set a plan. for example if you have one quest thats located in the bathing quarters and two that are located in castles heart, do the castle heart ones first. you might get quests located in bathing quarters that you can multitask with
- set quests back. if you have a quest set in dorms (such as the quest where you vacuum) but your sleeping energy is at 80%, try to do others quests/go farm a class (if you dont have other quest slots) until your energy runs down. same with hygiene, if you have a quest set in bathing quarters but your hygiene is at 80% farm a class/do other quests until your hygiene runs down
- multitask. some quest combinations:
also note that in office, multitasking usuallyyy doesnt work sadly. also pls lmk if i missed any combos/some dont work anymore
brushing your teeth in the shower. it works and you get exp from taking a shower too.
brushing your teeth in art class (yes, there are sinks) WHILE guessing. this is also good if you have quests that are located in classes
sleeping in your dorm while vacuuming
brushing your hair while being in a class
taking a shower while brushing your hair
sleeping/brushing hair in a dungeon (if you get the detention quest)
rainy day:
- always aim at one chair/ look at one and have a backup plan to hop to others
- always make a plan with chairs as said in the first tip
- in blackouts it usually works to try different filters- ive heard people say royale day helps a bit. and try to sort of look down at your screen- like dont have it eye level, just raise your head higher than your screen and look down. try to look at other people's names too to see where you are.
- also id recommend to wear mid-height heels. there are a few designs of the chairs where if you have heels on and you're against a shorter person, you are mostly guaranteed a win
art class:
- dont afk here. please 😭 unless its an emergency
- if you have the da vinci quest, choose a shorter named item and write it NEATLY on the board and quickly. or if its really easy to draw you can draw it if you want, though tbh id write it
- there isnt really much to say honestly, just focus a lot
might do sunset island tips next
please lmk if im missing anything here/i can add something
I wanted to share a fit tip for my newbies! ^.^
(No ss bc its not loading :( )
Okay, you can borrow a PE shirt from the office.
Get one and follow these steps:
Get a PE shirt! (duh)
Click the icon of the PE shirt!
Choose the toggle WITHOUT the logo
Color it of your choice.
There you go :)
This is my first post, sorry if it's not practical :/
Spam ur decals here, i beg of u 🙏🏼 please & thank u 💕
Ribbon + RH fabric = A More fancy ribbon shape
The Decal:
Without RH fabric:
With RH fabric:
So i have a mermaid tail and i'm trying to find some cute outfit hacks for it. It's kinda hard to find any good ones online since the tails are untradeable and were discontinued in 2019. Plz let me know if you have any ideas :> (i have the amythest tail)
You need to put on Eh Sleeves, Goth lolita cuffs, and Peppermint princess sleeves( you can use human arms and nails if you want) then color it in with whatever color you'd like and there you go you now have bootleg ww sleeves
I quit about a year ago, and i just rejoiend and i wanna build my inv back up
Any good grinding ideas?
But it won't work on the wall with the door, because the door is arch-shaped and won't fit the poster paper
You can edit your lookbook with stickers
Behold a solution! any design that covers the top/bottom half works.
By jellyflavor99
Ignore the one in the corner
Nothing else just wanted to share this and is anyone wants to make one you can make it work by using the steampunk gear handle!
Rebel + Swan sleeves