These poster papers are such a rebel and wont listen to me because for some reason i can only initeract with them 3 times before all a sudden the game wont let me change the size of ANYTHING in my dorm
There was nothing i didnt have bro i didnt care if it was midi instead of qwerty
Wait me too omg
Omg i saw you a lot of the adm wiki its why i clicked on this actually (you might not know me since i just lurk there)
I mean yeah if you only wanted to use it for masc
Also even if u could the torso would prob be bigger than everything else
The art style the renderring this belongs in a museum girl omg
These poster papers are such a rebel and wont listen to me because for some reason i can only initeract with them 3 times before all a sudden the game wont let me change the size of ANYTHING in my dorm
Ok tysmm
Not what i meant. im not giviing away the gamepass they have to own that, usually people do commissions for decals and charge diamonds but im not. its just free.
Was just searching for t-shirts on roblox and found out they display super cool on the new heels
I wanna make a post including the id everyone can use but im just making sure it doesnt count as spam or something
Oh and followup question: would i have to credit the person who made the decal
1.If you click on a royale item in someones lookbook, it'll take you to the item's page in shop
[look at my cursor]
If you click on a ugc in the lookbook it'll ask you if you wanna buy it
I didn't know this for a long time either
There's a way to discover the code you need to enter for the airplane
DISCLAIMER: You need dark element & lv. 500+ to preform this.
Bow to open the crowned royalty door
Run all the way up the stairs when you enter
Run through the elemental guards and go to the first painting you see
Use your dark fairy element to unravel the illusion, you'll see a bunch of wood infront of the painting on the floor
Pull out your hammer and jump on the wood while tapping/clicking
Once you walk down, walk straight until you find a room with a book in the middle
Once you find the book, in the upperhand corner you'll find 4 digits. copy and paste those randomized digits
Go back to castle heart
Go upstairs and in front of the fireplace
Enter the randomized code you got and climb up the tower [count the squares and enter the digits in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER]
Fly upwards until you see the sky
Open the chest and tada!
Hope this helps [it's very short it only looks longer bc i hit enter so many times] it's very easy to engrain this into your memory if you ever wanna help people!
This post is easier and shorter to read than it looks, the text is just big.
How does it happen?
The duplication glitch only happens on items with toggles. When you change the toggle of an item and save a new outfit, you might notice that the toggle reverts back to default. This is because when you switch the toggle you can't see it but it keeps two of the same items on seperately. I noticed this every time i tried to save it as an outfit.
How do i fix this?
First, unequip that specific item including the duplicates.
To fix the bug, re-equip the same item and color the toggle. Leave the toggle on the one you want, then stop wearing the same item with the toggle you don't want. It usually says the toggle number in the title if you can't tell the difference.
Example: If you wanna wear toggle 2 of the item but experience the bug, take off toggle number one, color toggle 2 and then keep it on. you must change the color of the toggle number you want or else it'll repeat and you'll have to start all over.
NOTE: once you save the outfit with the toggle you want, you will not experience the duplication glitch with that item anymore.
If you report to them that you've been banned they'll typically respond back with a reason. if you believe the reason is wrongly speculated, you can reply back to them with context for the situation on what really happened
Are you wearing any items that glow or have custom fabrics? also turn off your stylesync sparkly star. that typically works, but if not than its a genuine glitch
Every got dorm furniture says this and the set still hasnt been rereleased. Does anyone know if this happened last year and when it got fixed to be rearranged to the current year? Or if it could get fixed soon in general? bc i still really want the set
Cozy sweater + snow swan bodice
Add a custom fabric of tattoos to the snow swan bodice and wear a cropped version of cozy sweater over it
And you get this masterpiece