I haven't played Royal high since 2020 and I just started playing again but I can't get a dorm. I tried clicking an empty one with a key but nothing. Can someone tell me what to do?????
I haven't played Royal high since 2020 and I just started playing again but I can't get a dorm. I tried clicking an empty one with a key but nothing. Can someone tell me what to do?????
I'm trying to farm for both Halloween and Christmas so I don't have to farm on Christmas again and take a long break, and then I can start farming again on Spring
Found this in campus 4
As a new player, I have no idea how to progress through the games.
How does the level system work?
How do I buy things?
What is the currency called?
Why is my dorm empty by default?
What does playing Musical Chairs do?
I have so many questions that I might have to list them later on.
IS anyone else experiencing really bad glitching in Royale High? There is no lag within the avatar and the world, until i open up a menu like the diary for example. my curser and my character moves fine, but when i open up my diary it takes FOREVER to close, while my curser and character are still moving fine. then, when it finally closes, my avatar is stuck in diary animation, and ofc i can still move but i can't press E or click on any other servers like the classroom, office, dormitories, etc. if i fly it stays in a straight line. i cant even get any hearts. PLEASE tell me I'm not alone in this!!
Me: Randomly scrolling on Roblox and found it. Also my friend and sister had played it. I didn’t really take the game seriously until 2022. :D
STAR is the creator of rouge's fashion
Royale high never fails to disappoint its audience. This halloween update looks and feels lazy. Two new halloween accessories and one of them is a candy bag that you have to buy…. this has to be a joke. No new set. No fun. Sunset island still has not received its halloween update. On top of that, the update was 16 days late, so we waited and we received nothing fantastically new and an insincere apology. These developers do not care about their players and it shows. I expect the same lazy work done with the Christmas update. Highly disappointing.
*cough* totally NOT based on how the community has handled updates in the last couple of years!
A highly anticipated update hasn’t come out and people on social media are loosing their minds! Why hasn’t the update come out yet! It is the most popular update in the game that comes out every year! (You can probably guess what what is(
The update comes out in October 2022
People are loving it!
We enjoy that update then it leaves
People miss it 😢 but are still looking forward to the next one!
Another update comes out - it’s a recycled one
I mean, it’s better than nothing, right?
The Recycled update leaves and people are waiting for the last one of the year.
It should come out,right? WRONG! The update is a card game in the apartments!
Everybody gets angry but the loyal players stay of course :)
The next update was a minor one . The shop gets a few items back and a few little things get tweaked here and there but that’s it.
A certain realm gets updated after that too, but it’s another recycled one...with NO new items :( (except maybe a halo and a little rework)
Players start getting impatient... While all of this has been happening, a MASSIVE update that was announced about 2-3 years ago is still in the works...
It seems that RH hasn’t been getting many updates because of the MASSIVE one still in the making!
Players have been leaving the community because they don’t find it fun anymore and are sad about the MASSIVE update :( RH begins to stagnate, it’s depressing and nobody want to join it. RH is at its lowest and gets dragged into the ground. 😭
Since the start of the year the players have had nothing new , but all of that is about to change at the end of June!
The trailer for the MASSIVE update has been released! We are all so excited and a lot of the people that left the community have decided to come back. How cool!
Then the MASSIVE update gets released about 2 ish months (Like 7 weeks or smth pls correct me) LATER!
However, for the first few hours or days a chunk of the update comes out, only a certain type of player can play. They called it (beta testing) After a few hours a chunk of the massive update gets opened to everyone! They keep releasing the update in “phases/waves” until the sixth or seventh (im
Not sure so correct me if I’m wrong). The update has more phases to go!
This new update is AMAZING by the way
Well, it’s okay for now. The players are having lots of fun! But after the most recent phase, the devs stopped adding new ones!l :( So now that players are upset
Some players thought there isn’t another phase for now because we just had the charity set for cancer research return!
Well, no new phase has arrived yet,even after we reached the community goal.
While this is all happening, the devs announce that they are going to bring back an (upgraded version) of the highly anticipated update that was mentioned at the start. Everybody is excited now!
The community “patiently” wait for it to come out. items that can be obtained during that time period also come out in advance to get ready for this event. Bad news is that we cant farm for those items since the update is not out yet :(
Time starts ticking, and the players stay getting more impatient every day. No update. No communication from the devs. Nothing. We left in agony with nothing to do except loose our minds until this very special update comes out.
Some have different ways with coping with this, of course. Some stopped engaging with social media, some played other games , some stayed up all night to wait for the update and some stalked social media
...And as I am writing this it’s still not out yet 😭
Last night I had a dream I logged on to our beloved Royale high and all the realms were gone, the only thing there were two castles, one of them was campus 3 and the other one was *CAMPUS 4* like... what does this mean because I have had dreams of things that have happened before they actually took place... Anybody got any ideas or wanna call me crazy?
Is this possibly a new item coming to this years Royaleween?